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Saving Venetian treasures via un festa a NYC

Leah Chalfen

It's that time of year for a glorious Masquerade Ball held in New York City which is a charity event raising money for important restoration projects in Venice, Italy. If you have ever been to Venezia, you understand the importance of preserving this city's masterpieces. Thank goodness for organizations such as @Save Venice Inc. who undergo this endeavor and have a glamorous time doing so!

We have a gorgeous group of one-of-a kind masks currently available on our website, but time is of the essence so grab your favorite now!

Here are some pics from last year's group of Leah C. beauties!

WALL ART from Light As A Feather by Leah C.

Leah Chalfen

Come by the Leah C. showroom on West 30th street off of 6th Ave. in New York City! You will love our selection of captivating, framed "aigrette" some even come complete with the original tags from a gone-by age. I have collected and now curated a selection of these very special groupings of feathers which were produced specifically for millinery called aigrette, a French term meaning just that, "an ornamental tuft of plumes for head wear." These are works of art in their own right and I am repurposing and presenting them to you with an eye for enjoying their graphic nature. Cyndi & I know you will be able to easily imagine these as suitable wall art for the

  • livingroom
  • bedroom
  • office or study
  • hall ways or passage ways
  • powder rooms, etc.

as well as commercially they are a beautiful touch for

  • boutique hotels or
  • restaurants with a flair for clean lines and an organic touch to the interior design!

Looking forward to showing you our Wall Art offerings!

                      &   CYNDI

                      &   CYNDI

Light As A Feather by Leah C. is our brand new line for interiors!

Leah Chalfen

Leah's signature feather work is featured in these stunning accents for private residences or commercial spaces. By employing the highest quality millinery materials and techniques of a "Plumassier", Leah brings a world of textures and the joy of nature to interiors. 

These designs can be customized in color, size and shape to suit your projects and decor themes. We intentionally opened with a classic black & white and black & bone group as a launching point but  many glorious colors are available! Let's discuss your needs.

Industry professionals are cordially invited to our showroom to view the line and various style options.

Looking forward to working together!

                      &   CYNDI

                      &   CYNDI